Khalifah Bin Huwaidan Alketbi Advocates & Legal Consultant إصدار أودو 14.0
معلومات عن Khalifah Bin Huwaidan Alketbi Advocates & Legal Consultant نسخة أودو، تخطيط موارد مؤسسات مفتوح المصدر.
التطبيقات المثبتة
- Employee Number
- Odoo app will add Employee Number on Employee screen
- HR Base
- Law CRM
- Employee Document
- Employee Document
- Law Agreement
- Law Agreement
- Law Contact
- Law Contact
- Law CRM
- Law CRM
- Lead Stages
- Lead Stages
- MK PW Employee
- MK PW Employee
- Administrative Roller
- Administrative Roller
- MK Hearings
- MK Hearings
- MK Law
- Add Law table
- MK Treasury
- MK Treasury
- User Hide Menu
- User Hide Menu
- Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Pricelist, BOM, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer.
- Odoo import Data Import All in one import Invoice import Sales import Inventory import Purchase import stock inventory import Picking import Product image import Customer import serial import lot import bank statement import journal entry import payment
- Odoo import Invoice, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry
- Odoo import Data Import for Invoice import bank statement import journal entry import payment
- المبيعات
- من عروض الأسعار للفواتير
- الفوترة
- الفواتير والدفعات
- العلاقات العامة
- تتبع الترشيحات وإغلاق الفرص
- الموقع الإلكتروني
- Enterprise website builder
- المشروع
- Organize and plan your projects
- التسويق بالبريد الإلكتروني
- تصميم، إرسال وتتبع رسائل البريد الإلكتروني
- المصروفات
- تقديم واعتماد وإعادة فوترة مصروفات الموظف
- الاجازات
- Allocate time off and follow time off requests
- التوظيف
- تتبع دورة عملية التعيين
- الموظفون
- Centralize employee information
- Odoo 14 Full Accounting Kit
- Asset and Budget Management, Accounting Reports, PDC, Lock dates, Credit Limit, Follow Ups, Day-Bank-Cash book reports.
- Hr Employee Attendance Report
- print hr employee attendance xls report employee attendance excel report print attendance xls report employee attendance pdf report download employee department wise attendance report hr employee report hr attendance report print attendance report
- Dynamic Financial Reports
- Dynamic Financial Reports with drill down and filters– Community Edition
- Tax Amount on Account
- Tax amount in Account Invoice.
- Mailbox (Odoo Inbox)
- This module is used to send or receive mail through the recipient, user can do the following types of message-send message, inbox message, starred or unstarred message, etc.
- Birthday Reminder Notification
- Birthday reminder for employee
- EnterpriseMate Theme Config
- Enterprise Backend Theme, Enterprise Theme, Backend Enterprise Theme, Flexible Enterprise Theme, Enter prise Theme Odoo
- EnterpriseMate Backend Theme [For Community Edition]
- Enterprise Backend Theme, Enterprise Theme, Backend Enterprise Theme, Flexible Enterprise Theme, Enter prise Theme Odoo
- Attendance Location Information
- Attendance Information,Attendance With Map,Check-In Send Message Odoo, Check-Out Send Notes App, Send Login Comments Module, Send Message In Logout, Get Check In Location, Get GeoLocation With Map, Get Check Out Location Odoo
- Portal Dashboard
- lead information dashboard, opportunity detail dashboard, sales detail dashboard, rfq detail dashboard, request for quote dashboard, purchase detail dashboard module, invoice detail dashboard app Odoo
- eLearning
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- الفعاليات
- نشر الفعاليات، وبيع التذاكر
- المحادثة
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- جهات الاتصال
- Centralize your address book
- التقويم
- Schedule employees' meetings
- الدردشة الحية
- تحدث مع زوار موقعك
- الحضور
- متابعة حضور موظف
- التسويق عبر الرسائل النصية القصيرة
- Design, send and track SMS
- الملاحظات
- نظم عملك من خلال المذكرات
- المنتدى
- إدارة منتدي يحتوي على الأسئلة الشائعة وأسئلة وإجابات
- إدارة المهارات
- Manage skills, knowledge and resumé of your employees
- Odoo Payments by Adyen Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer: Odoo Payments by Adyen